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Acclivus, Inc. is community health organization, focusing on the health and well-being of individuals living in Chicago’s most vulnerable neighborhoods.
Acclivus uses an intentional social network to serve vulnerable individuals, primarily those from communities that are disproportionately impacted by compounding barriers to health and success.
Acclivus provides resources and support to assist at-risk Chicago residents with personal and professional growth. The goal is for each person to thrive as they overcome social challenges that may include but are not limited to chronic exposure to violence and trauma, poverty, a criminal background, disproportionately high rates of serious health conditions, and limited formal education.
In partnership with the Jane Addams Center for Social Policy and Research, Acclivus provides programs and services to address trauma, decrease health disparities, reduce incarceration, enhance educational opportunities, and increase employment options for individuals and their communities.
About Us
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